28741404 / 2874
Thin and flexible glove with touch function. The back of the hand is made of breathable polyester, and a velcro-adjusted collar makes the glove fit well on the hand.
This all-round glove is suitable for work where there is a need to handle touch screens.
PU ar skarienjutigo funkciju, Poliesters
Bez oderes
Nesatur hromu, Skārienjutīgā funkcija pirkstu, īkšķa un plaukstas zonā
Velcro aizdare
Pastiprinati pirkstu gali, Pastiprinats raditajpirksts
Plaukstas dala no sintetiskas adas ar skarienjutigo funkciju
Cena par 1 pari. Tiek pardots iepakojumos pa 12 pariem., 12
144 pari/kaste
Netira vide, Mitra vide
Montažas darbi, Visparigi darbi
Birkas piespraude ar aki
EN 388 (1111X)
PPE Cat 2