14071800 / Bikses

Three front pockets, one with zipper. Back pocket with bellows and flap with velcro closure. Leg pocket with three-part pen pocket and phone pocket. Ruler pocket. Leg pocket with lid and three-part pen pocket. D-ring for attaching ID cards.
Galvenais materiāls

65% poliesters, 35% kokvilna, saržs, 240 g/m²

Sīkāka informācija

Plastmasas ravejsledzeja aizdare

Cilpas, viena ar D-veida gredzenu

Metala pogas

Iekšeja staras šuve ar 3 adatu durienu


Aizmugurejas kabatas ar ieloci, Aizmugurejas kabatas ar atloku un velcro liplentas aizdari

Staras kabata ar ieloci, nodalijumu telefonam un kabatinu pildspalvai

Merlentes kabata

65% poliesters, 35% kokvilna, saržs, 240 g/m²


Lighter weight fabric which protects you from dirt and splashes, but also offer full freedom of movement. Excellent for both engineering and service industries. Colour fast and good shape retention.